Along the Watchtower
Laws claiming to protect people from “violent illegal aliens” enable mass deportations of innocent people.
The United States of America has no reason related to national security or economics to deport people indescriminately. Immigrants are far less likely to commit any type of crime. People born outside the United States contribute more to the economy than they take from it.
Our current laws don’t protect innocents. People willing to blackmail others threaten to “report to ICE” -- a frightening prospect for anyone regardless of where they were born.
People who “look foreign” are often targeted unfairly by the threat of calling the authorities.
Anyone can be at risk. This isn’t an either/or problem, it’s a both/and problem. The tactic of reporting people to the authorities is so well-known at this point that angry strangers can allege an emergency at the home of an opponent on a video game. People vengeful enough to claim a neighbor, ex-partner, co-worker or stranger is an “illegal alien” are rare but often prolific with their claims. (Several friends confirmed.)
Personally, I’ve experienced someone attempting to kidnap me while claiming that I am actually Russian. I am not, but if I don’t have my passport it’s my word against whoever’s trying to prove that I am not who I say I am. A total stranger grabbed me and claimed that I was his “girlfriend” at 12 - no idea if he’d have said I was an illegal immigrant instead of a middle schooler. I had no legal identity documents so I’d have been at risk of deportation myself.
That’s an impossible and terrifying position to be in. I imagine it’s awful for anyone who finds themselves in that spot.
If our governments won’t pass laws to protect people, we can band together to say we refuse. I have a corporation. I don’t want to own this website - it’s a placeholder so that people I trust can start unions. I’m an American citizen with no employment contracts, no ties to organizations that can threaten my family, and the willingness to try to do the impossible in America. Let’s bring back unions. Lots of unions.
A voluntary union for people who protect and defend the vulnerable.
Open to:
Any person who refuses to report innocents to agencies that deport, imprison, or detain people unjustly.
Special invite to:
People who work in roles where this is often or sometimes asked of them. Building managers, hospitality workers, and people who manage teams are sometimes asked to do tasks that law enforcement can refuse to do. Officers of the law are also welcome but have group bargaining rights that not all employees have.